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Two bypasses for 'sustainable' vision - east and west


Still  in the process of dualling the Chippenham A350 western bypass to take more traffic, Wiltshire Council decided they needed an additional eastern bypass around the east of the town, in conjunction with several thousand new homes pinned on the new road. See the 'preferred development options' map on this page below, from  the Wiltshire Local Plan review documentation. This is all part of their vision for Chippenham, and indeed for the whole A350 to from the M4 to Warminster as a 'sustainable growth corridor' - the idea being that you build along major new road systems. With this in mind, access onto the M4 is already being expanded to take more traffic so that the new  traffic generated as well as freight can get onto the motorways more easily.

To support this vision for ‘Future Chippenham’, Wiltshire Council applied in October 2019 for a grant of £75m from the government's Homes EnglandHousing Infrastructure Fund (HIF).

The council consulted on its routes options in 2021 with a webinar about the road. This does not so much ask whether the road is a good idea (that decision had been made in 2019 when Homes England was approached) but asked about sections of the possible routes in detail with a simulation of the whole road as it crossed miles of countryside. There was little discussion about the housing estates even though these were very much associated with it. 

There is also a u-tube video showing the potential road


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